Chicano Poet Welcomes UH Students Back to School with Reading, Reception

Reyes Cárdenas Brings Recent Offering of 50 Years of Writing

Celebrated Texas poet Reyes Cárdenas will join the University of Houston Center for Mexican American Studies (CMAS), students and faculty for a “Back to School Poetry Reading and Reception.”  The free event takes place at noon, Friday, Aug. 30 at the CMAS offices, 322 Agnes Arnold Hall.  Cárdenas also will sign copies of his books.courtesy Armando Rendon

“It's a great pleasure to have Reyes present at the University of Houston,” said Lorenzo Cano, associate director of CMAS.  “He represents the generation of cultural workers that emanated from the Chicano civil rights movement and should be informative.”

Cárdenas will read from his recent offering, “Reyes Cárdenas: Chicano Poet 1970 – 2010” (Aztlan Libre Press), a retrospective of his life and work. Considered by many to be one of the best Chicano poets, the new work features nearly 400 poems, many of them previously unpublished from his nearly 50 years of writing. Selections include “Chicano Territory” (1970); “Los Pachucos y La Flying Saucer” (1975), as well as selections from “Survivors of the Chicano Titanic” (1981); “Elegy for John Lennon” (1982); and “From Aztlan to the Moons of Mars: A Chicano Verse Novela” (2010).
“Reyes Cárdenas’ work boldly depicts the outrageous ironies and wildly brutal truths of our humanity,” said Carmen Tafolla, Poet Laureate of San Antonio. “He is a powerful and courageous poet.”

Cárdenas will hold a “Community Reading, Plática and Book Signing” later that evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Casa Ramirez, 241 W. 19th Street. 

Both events are sponsored by CMAS in collaboration with Nuestra Palabra/Writers Having Their Say.

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WHAT: “Back to School Poetry Reading and Reception,” featuring Texas poet Reyes Cárdenas reading from “Reyes Cárdenas: Chicano Poet 1970 – 2010”

WHEN:  Noon, Friday, Aug. 30

WHERE: CMAS offices, 322 Agnes Arnold Hall
For directions and parking information visit